Yeah that drumline IS pretty ridiculous.
It just sounds a bit amateur and a little uninteresting to hear an underlying "BUM BUM TSH BUM BUM BUM TSH BUM" throughout the entire piece. Even with random cymbal crashes thrown in. You definitely gotta work on making the percussion dynamic and interesting... NOT copy-and-paste sounding.
I too get a feeling of emptiness when listening to the song... For all the WOOAHH crazy synth sounds whirring past, there is not a whole lot going on. Again, you have to, when making a song, find ways to make it a dynamic breathing thing, not something that is static and flat. This is very hard, as it requires you to balance simplicity with complexity. The best of the best have mastered it. The mediocre touch upon it. The shitty just completely ignore. I'll be the first to admit to not being an expert.
In short, you have a whole bunch of things going on, but it is a static and dead piece. This may anger some ardent listener wanting, for some reason, to race hovercars. And, I could snarkily say that the "5" I was going to give you would be a 5/10, because it is a bit presumptuous to say 'vote 5' when we all know in the AP that that is a rare occurrence at best.
But I give it SLIGHTLY above average, because it is at least on a technical aspect somewhat put together nicely. You just need to work on making the piece come alive.